This weekend i was in the town of London, i was over to meet and to have a couple of meetings but one of the best things i did was go to the Star Wars exhibition that was being held, I've been a big fan Star Wars from when i was a little nipper, I wanted to be Han Solo and to have Chewbaka as my side kick, to be part of the Alliance and to blow up the Death Star was one of the best things a chap could ever do!
Well the exhibition had some great memorabilia from the movies although it could have done with a lot more things from the first 3 as they were the best! There was loads of models and costumes as well as original props!
Although there was to many kids there running around and looking at the greatest movie props ever!
So if your in London i recommend you visit it, it's the best thing ever!
I think this blog should be renamed the The Geek Way of Life. Fuck me pink and batter my balls until crispy. You went to London and of all the things you could have done, to recap:
* Soho strip joints
* West End shows
* Soho strip joints
* Thames boat cruise
* Soho strip joints
* London eye
* Soho strip joints
* Camden market
...but you went to a fucking Star Wars convention. Jesus H Christ am I the only one who things that you didn't make the most of London. Or did you actually spend 3 days in Soho strip joints and then tried to hide your shame by blogging about nerdy sci-fi shit?
Truth please - either you are a nerd or a liar. Or a sex pest.
Wow you have commented from America!
And i did loads of other stuff, but this was the most interesting!
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