Going to school is difficult for some people, They don't fit in and feel awkward!
Maybe this is the school for them: Miss Vera's Finishing school!
Welcome to the world's first and only cross-dressing academy, the place where dreams can and do come true.
Yes you to could learn to be a cross dresser!
What can you learn at the academy? Well here are a few things:
Let's Make-up. Make-up application.
Wigged Out. The care and feeding of your hair.
Nail Call. Manicures and Pedicures.
Hair Today. Shaving and other types of hair removal.
Physical Education
Walking and High heels. Well-heeled.
Dance and port de bras. Ballet One and tu-tu.
How to Strip. Take it off.
Body Building and corset training. Of corset.
Voice and elocution. Girl Talk. Social Conversation.
Flirting Fundamentals.
Home Economics
Cooking. Domestic Bliss. Sewing. Maid Training. Servant Problems and Solutions. Etiquette & Table Manners.
Tea Service. Tea for You.
Female Music Appreciation. From humdrum to divadom.
Sex Education
Femmeself acceptance. How to share your femmeself with your partner. Understanding female genitalia. Femalia.
Facts about Fantasies.
Create a herstory.
What more could a budding young lady ask for!
...and you just stubbled upon this little gem by accident did you, Gohirana?
A beautiful bolg... you are back on track maestro!
I do have to say this little gem was introduced to me by my colleague Ben who i hear at the moment is having a crisis!
i havent read this in a while...did u know i was in marksies the other morning and there was a wee skittery man buyin a whole selection of womens clothes for himself, i know they were for him as i caught him hold a skirt up against himself, not a word of a lie...at least he was petite...dear bless him...it must be very difficult in our society...
here mate, the fact that you refer to the shop in question as 'marksies' puts question marks all over you too. i mean, git tae fuck - i suppose you are no stranger to 'nipping off to the loo' and having a touch of the 'sniffles' and drinking lager fucking tops, eh?
don't know why you sign in as anonymous - I already KNOW you mate, knoworramean?
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